Memorial Event for Freda Jones - February 25th, 2021

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Stephanie Wamsley

Join us for our viewing this evening!

Rene Labre


Stephanie Wamsley

Thank you for remembering our beloved mother!

Staci Gelbaum

Sending you all love and hugs! ❤️

Stephanie Wamsley

Thank you friend ❤️


So sorry for y’all. Our hearts go out to you

Brian Jones

Thank you my friend.

Ellissa Friedman

Sending my deepest condolences, big hugs and love to you all.

Stephanie Wamsley

Thank you friend ❤️

Melanie Ray Terrell

So honored to be sharing in this beautiful time with all of you tonight. My heart is heavy at your great loss…and I am so incredibly thankful for Heaven, and KNOWING you will all be reunited there. So thankful for friendships that last a lifetime, and to be able to share in your sweet sister’s Homegoing celebration. Love y’all.

Amy Jarrett

Thank you Melanie

David Jarrett

Thanks my friend.

Jeff Holt

Thank you for allowing us to celebrate her life well lived. Praying for you all.

Brian Jones

Thank you Jeff.

Dan griffeth

Very touching video. So sorry for your loss. I always enjoyed my time with her.

Brian Jones

Thank you Dan. She loved getting to know you and Gulcin when you guys lived close to them.

Chaz Chambers

Brian – your loss breaks my heart. I love you and your family. Deepest condolences.

Brian Jones

Thank you Chaz. Your help through this has meant alot yo me.

Gabby Grubbs

Sending all of you so much love and strength tonight! Angel indeed!

Brian Jones

Thank you Gabby. You have said so many encouraging things to me over the past 2 weeks. Your love has been appreciated.

Tim Anderson

On behalf of the Ferma and Peggy (Holt) Anderson, family, we wanted to let you know that we love you all. Praying for all of you!

Tim Anderson

Excuse me – Ferman Anderson family.

Amy Jarrett

Thanks Tim. Love you all!!

Ericka Thompson

I was so lucky to meet your mom 💞… she welcome my friendship with so much love, laugh from my costarican jokes and always had the perfect advice. You will be missed by the girls and myself. Your kindness will always be in our heart’s… keep shining from the sky sweet Freda.

Brian Jones

Beautiful words. Thank you Ericka.


I have so many fond memories of staying at your home when we were kids. I was always welcome to stay the night and hang out with the family. My family is praying for yours, Stephanie. May God comfort you in your grief and may your Mother rest in Christ.

Stephanie Wamsley

Thank you friend ❤️

Russell Griffeth

So sorry, Brian. You are in our thoughts.
Russ and Betsy

Brian Jones

Thank you both.

Colleen Keri

Sending you all love, hugs and prayers!! You have a beautiful angel watching over all of you!!

Stephanie Wamsley

Thank you friend ❤️

David Fluker

Joe, I actually saw Freda just a handful of times, but I feel like I knew her from you and the many times you spoke of her. I loved seeing the pictures of the two of you and your family. It added a depth and richness to the stories I’ve heard. Please know that you and your family have been in my prayers.

Joseph H Jones

Thank you, David – most grateful for your prayer support and friendship.

Charles & Teresa Lorentz

My thoughts of Freda was that she was so sweet and kind. Many times we were in very intense issues considering the deadlines and issues with the construction company….i got to know her in good and stressed times. She’ll be missed for sure. Even when I had a chance to speak ever so briefly a week back i knew she was in pain and worn out, yet she was still hopeful and sweet. What an awesome mom and wife. I’m so blessed to have crossed her path. I can see her in Brian. So kind. Know the Lorentz family is praying for you all. She has left fabric in each of you. When you are together as a family her precious spirit comes forth. You all are a special family.

Brian Jones

Thank you for your kind words about mom. Charles, you have been a great help to me through this.

Ben Clark

Upon meeting Freda for the very first time, I knew I was in the presence of one of the most kind and genuine people I would have the pleasure to know. I wish I had the opportunity to know Freda better, but I am fortunate that I can continue to experience her love, humor, beauty and strength through her daughter, Steph. My heart goes out to all who will forever miss having Freda in their lives. Heaven has welcomed home an amazingly pure example of love. I love you, Steph.

Stephanie Wamsley

Thank you Ben! ❤️


I remember meeting Freda for the first time. She had this unique gentle energy about her. A calm and gentle soul. I always received that energy in face-to-face or phone conversations, even when I talked to Joe on speaker phone and she would interact. My deepest condolences to Joe and his family and loved ones. I know that gentle souls are eternal. I hope Freda’s angelic soul fills your hearts for the remainder of your days. May her love fills your hearts with peace and comfort.

Joseph H Jones

Thank you, my Friend and Brother! I know you, too, have suffered through family losses – thank you for your counsel and support.

Doug Holt

Freda always reminded me of her mom. Love you all.

Joseph H Jones

And she always remembered her cousins fondly, however near or far away.

Cindy Boyer

What a exceptional tribute to a wonderful lady! My prayers and heartfelt hugs to the entire family ❤️

Brian Jones

Thank you Cindy.

Anne & Brian Staab

Sending our love to you. Freda always made us feel like part of the family. I will miss her laughter and her hugs.

Stephanie Wamsley

Thank you guys! ❤️

Teresa Lorentz

That was a wonderful celebration of Freda’s life. Praying that God will give you peace, comfort, and strength as you grieve. 1 Thessalonians 4 states to comfort one another with these words: For the Lord Himself will come down from heaven with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.
You will see her again and be with her for eternity.

Brian Jones

Beautiful scripture Teresa. Thank you.

Ellissa Friedman

What an absolutely beautiful tribute to your mom. Thank you for sharing.

Alissa Berzen

Such a beautiful tribute to a life clearly filled with family and love – sending our deepest condolences for your loss <3

Stephanie Wamsley

Thank you friend ❤️

Brian Jones

Thank you all for the love and support through our loss.

My mom was a special lady. To know her is to love her. We will all miss her dearly.

She was my friend, my biggest fan, my coworker, as well as my mom. I couldn’t ask for anyone better.

I love you mom.

Cathy Crowley

Beautiful service. Looks like the grandkids will have lots of memories of her.

Joseph H Jones

Those grandkids loved her like you and your grandchildren – they are a huge part of her legacy.

Last edited 3 years ago by Joseph H Jones
Joy & Paul Gardiner

We have such precious memories of Freda from our time together at Berea. Singing in the choir, Bible studies, decorating for Christmas and wonderful fellowship together. She gave endless hours of secretarial service in typing the New World Bible Study series. We are looking forward to a Grand Reunion one wonderful day. Our hearts are with you, Joe, Stephanie, and Brian. Grace and peace today and in the days to come.

Brian Jones

Thank you both.

Stephanie Wamsley

Few pics that fell on the cutting room floor, accidentally 😕

Stephanie Wamsley


Stephanie Wamsley

Another picture from the early years

Stephanie Wamsley

Mom with her brother Lynn and her sister Karen

Last edited 3 years ago by David
Joseph H Jones

Thank you and David (and Christina and Brian) for all you did to put this together.

Brandon Marcus

Brian and family, I am so sorry for your loss. Freda was always an outgoing and kind person to me. You are all in my thoughts.

Brian Jones

Thank you Brandon.

Kristi Graham

A beautiful memorial for your mom. My deepest sympathies for you and your family. Sending hugs to you all!

Stephanie Wamsley

Thank you my friend ❤️

David Jarrett

My big sister. While I am heartbroken, I know she dances with the angels now and I am so proud of the life she lived and the example she set for all of us. I love you Freda and I know you’re enjoying heaven with mom and daddy.

Joseph H Jones

David – Your folks can be proud and full of joy.

Mike Thio

An excellent tribute to Freda. Well done!

Joseph H Jones

Our Neighbor and Friend, thank you for the vision above. We’ll do our best to keep those good memories above all else.

Matt jarrett

She will be missed

Joseph H Jones

So true. Thanks, Matt, for sharing these memories in pictures.

Last edited 2 years ago by Joseph H Jones
Shane long

What a beautiful video and loving message. I’m grieving with you this week and especially today as I see all of these memories. She will web deeply missed

Brian Jones

Thank you for your kind words from Alaska Shane! Get back safely.

Jennifer (Jarrett) Wood and family

We love you all, you are in our hearts and prayers. You will be missed Aunt Freda.

Stephanie Wamsley

Thank you Jennifer ❤️ Need to catch up soon!


My condolences and love to you all. I spent many days and evenings with Freda and family, cherish every moment of that and feel honored to have been able to spend time in the company of such a kind woman.

Stephanie Wamsley

Thanks Gabe❤️

Samantha Holloway

A beautiful tribute to a beautiful and wonderful person. Brian and family, I am so sorry for your loss. Sending my love and thoughts to you all. ❤

Brian Jones

Thank you Sam.

Suzanne Cummings

Suzanne Cummings
Im so sad to hear of Freda’s passing. So many memories with her at Berea, daytime Women’s Bible Study in her Townhouse, crafts together and making table decorations for church potlucks. My last memory was Freda hosting Berea ladies Christmas party in your birthday home. My love and prayers, until we meet again.

Stephanie Wamsley

Thank you Suzanne ❤️

Delores Jarrett

A beautiful lady. She will be missed!

Stephanie Wamsley

Yes she will, thank you Delores❤️

Greg Manry

Our hearts are heavy with your loss. What a beautiful person inside and out. Heaven has gained another wonderful soul. Love you all…

Stephanie Wamsley

Thank you Greg❤️

Brian Jones

This morning I’m dedicating my walk to my mom. I return to Red Top Mountain to the place where I started sending her photos of my hikes and the last place I was with her out in nature. I’m so grateful for that day. It’s calm and peaceful this morning. No sunshine yet, but the light of my mom’s soul is with me.

Brian Jones

More photos

Joseph H Jones

Dearest Family and Friends,
It’s difficult to come anyway near expressing how much your heartfelt greetings, prayers, phone calls, visits, cards, food, flowers, and other offers of support have meant to Brian, Stephanie, David, Colin, Scarlett, and me. A simple “Thank You” doesn’t seem near enough.
53 years of sharing life with Freda was not enough, either, but so much more than I could have ever dreamed of.  Thank you each for your part, large or small, in our years together, and/or honoring the memory of our departed angel. Now, please remember the good things, the funny things, the uplifting effect she had on our lives and rejoice that she has found her way to Heaven.
As Reagon mentioned during the memorial service, Freda lived her faith by encouraging hope in others and spreading God’s love all around her. I was so blessed to be part of that and, in return, I pledge to Freda once again “All my love, your Joe.”

Brian Jones


We interred your ashes a week ago. I’m sorry it took me so long to post this. I was in pain. Not just the emotional pain of missing you, but physical pain. I don’t know if it was truly your spirit that visited me, but I was comforted knowing that in my time of severe pain you were with me. Because of that, I had the courage to go to the dentist. You gave that to me, whether it was a dream or our beautiful angel visiting me to give me that strength. I’m feeling physically better now. I told Dad and Steph about the dream/visit. We all love you and talk about you all the time. We are doing things we know you would want us to do. Your memory continues to live in us daily. I still see silly things I want to send to you all the time. We will continue to support each other, but we sure do miss you. Your love is with us always as is ours with you.


Stephanie Wamsley


Brian Jones

Happy Easter Mom. We love you and pray that you look down with smiles on your family today and feel how much we miss you every day.

Joseph H Jones

Just before my Junior year in college, Dad got transferred to the Social Security office in Cleveland, OH. He and Mom moved in on the other side of town and started going to church in Westlake. The first Sunday I joined them, I was ushered into a “young adults” class which consisted of a handful of high school boys. During the introductions, the pastor mentioned that “there’s also an older girl in the class” and that “she would make somebody a good wife,” a statement met with giggles from the boys. Little did I dream that this lovely young lady would become my cherished partner in life, walking by my side and holding hands in everything that we did together for over 50 years. I was so blessed, and pray that I never take our time together for granted. The memories of her eyes and smiles, tenderness, kindness, intelligence, enthusiasm, faith, and love will always be foremost in my mind. Those memories both sadden and sustain me every day. Thank you, Lord, for sharing Freda with us all.

Brian Jones

Happy Mother’s Day.

Things aren’t the same without you physically here with us. You’re in my thoughts every day.
I can hear the things you’d say to me.
I know the things you laugh at with me.
I use the things you taught me.
I feel the strength you’ve given me.
I miss sharing with you and giving you hugs.
I love you.

Joseph H Jones

Your tender touch, your gentle smile
means all the world to me.
And so I give my love to you
throughout eternity.
I ask no more of life than this –
to just be kind and true,
To share your hopes and dreams beloved –
be near you all life through.
So put your hand in mine, Sweetheart,
together we shall go
Along life’s path; our dreams fulfilled,
because I love you so.
–         Freda and Joe’s wedding book, July 17, 1970

Happy Anniversary, my sweet lady, our angel.
Your Joe

Brian Jones

Today makes 6 months without you here with us. The pain is still there. I miss you more than words can express. Things just aren’t the same.
You would love all the things we’ve done together as a family. Canoe trip, Florida trip, going to Matt and Courtney’s place on the lake, some of the beautiful hikes, and just being there for each other. You’d be so proud of your grandkids. They continue to grow and do amazing things.
I’m trying hard to be there for Steph and Dad. I’m not you though. They miss you too. I miss you being there for me. I miss our silly chats and making you laugh. I miss your hugs. I miss your expressions. Most of all, I miss your love. I know it’s still there around me, but the tangible part is a big hole in my heart.
I think about you every day. I love you Mom.

Stephanie Wamsley

Happy Birthday Mom!!!
